Without (I) (2011)
Made no sense
13 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie made absolutely no sense. The caretaker, Jocelyn, was, at her best neglectful of her responsibilities around the house and at her worst, very abusive towards and inappropriate around the man she was supposed to be taking care of. Considering the fact that she was at the house for no more that a week or two, her gradual mental deterioration and feelings of loneliness and paranoia seemed to make no sense. Overall her sporadic change in behavior as well as the noticeable and unexplained changes of the townspeople that she interacted with was weird and unnecessary. And when the movie wasn't weird and jumpy, it was just really slow and boring. Even though I've read the synopsis and descriptions on both hulu and on here, I'm still honestly not sure what this movie is supposed to be about. Everyone was weird and none of the characters (except for the elderly man) was worth caring about.
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