Straight to your face.
12 August 2018
As a number one fan of George Carlin I might be a bit biased with my review as I absolutely love everything he does and says. It's one of those people I would have loved spending an evening with, talking about life, the world, and everything that goes wrong on this planet. When I hear him talking it's like he's reading my mind. I'm sure he was not a great optimist, and why would he when you see how society works? George Carlin has his unique way to bring you his vision on everything and this in a funny sarcastic way. George Carlin is the rebel in stand up comedy, a rebel tout court. If you think like him you will love his shows, if you don't think like him and think the whole world is just a nice little place then you probably won't get it, and you won't get the humor either. Life Is Worth Losing is sarcastic, dark and straight to your face. Rest in peace George, you were the best!
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