How does this not have ANY reviews
12 August 2018
This was an absolute "joy" to come across a few years back and to this day it's one of the oddest shows I'll ever see. Much like Legend of the Titanic, a film by the same studio, this series is insane. It really does feel like a kid playing with his various Disney animal toys and this is the result. The episodes I watched featured lions getting blessed with magical powers, talking mice and seeing through time, and most hilarious of all was when the two child leads are on a drug trip.

The following series' are equally insane from what I've seen. I can't believe these shows exist let alone are this crazy.

Normally this breed of bad-insane animation would be right up my alley. Everything from it's rip-off set up to it's awful characters and insane story sound like a recipe for fun.

It's not.

This series would be "so bad it's good" IF IT LEARNED TO GET TO THE POINT. Scenes go on far too long and usually with just mouth noises from the main characters. It's so badly paced that sitting through a whole episode becomes a chore even with all the bad stuff there to surprise you.
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