Average movie at best
10 August 2018
Pros: Based on true events, which undoubtedly is a pride of any sensible Indian Cons: Everything else. Just coz this is based on a true event (especially a proud moment) doesn't automatically makes this movie a good one. Story telling is lazy, character building is lazy. Not one character with whom one can relate or even understand their background except someone saying "he's brilliant, he's awesome". Gimme a break. Dont tell me, SHOW me. That's what movie is about.

Technical aspect of the Pokhran test is so diluted as if it looks like connecting a dynamite using wires and pulling the switch. Nothing about the challenges they've faced is shown except brushing the surface of it.When i read about Pokhran, clearly it's notable that they've missed the basic thing, which is the hard work put in by each one of the team member.

John Abraham and the IB girl- God save their acting. Others acting is passable at best, except Boman Irani, who doesn't have much screen time.

This move, from a story telling point of view, kinda sucks. Just coz I'm Indian, I've given this 5/10.
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