Broken Star (2018)
It lost me not even halfway through...
7 August 2018
When I sat down to watch "Broken Star" I didn't even know about the movie, nor had I heard about it. I was given the chance to watch it, and decided to do so, because I was under the impression that it was going to be a horror movie, and it also had Tyler Labine in it, which was a plus for me.

Right, well I managed to endure 35 minutes of this meaningless and equally pointless endeavor that is known as "Broken Star". Wow, just wow. This movie totally failed to enthrall me and provided no form of entertainment in any possible way.

The characters in the movie were one-dimensional cardboard cut outs and had little or no function when they milled about doing pointless things on the screen. And it didn't really help that the actors and actresses had next to nothing to work with in terms of being able to bring the characters to life on the screen.

The storyline was horribly boring and I was losing interest already 10 minutes into the movie. But I managed to stick with it, but had to toss in the towel and give up from sheer and utter boredom after 35 minutes into it.

I have absolutely no interest in returning to finish this movie, and not even Tyler Labine could manage to lift up this movie in any way, as he was restrained in every aspect by a lousy script, horrible storyline and so forth.
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