Hidden (2018–2022)
Another Welsh classic!
6 August 2018
Welsh TV for many years was something to be scoffed at, programmes made for a small audience, but generally forgettable. Then came Hinterland, then Requiem, Keeping Faith, and now Hidden. Welsh TV drama has become something we are now hugely proud of. Forget Scandi Dramas, Wales is now the place for dark, hard hitting drama.

Hidden is very dark, and it hits hard. It may be a little slow to get started, but once it gets into its stride it is accomplished, compulsive viewing. The show has a realism to it, which at times is disturbing realistic, the pain and trauma are shown for what they are, harrowing and tragic, not sensational or glorious.

It gets better as it progresses, and after some real shocks you get a gripping finale, which really satisfies. Brilliant performances throughout, the acting is of the highest order, Sian Reese-Williams, Gwyneth Keyworth and Rhodri Meilir are all worthy of a mention.

Bravo BBC Wales, keep giving us these incredible stories.

Loved it! 10/10
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