Parks and Recreation: Park Safety (2010)
Season 2, Episode 19
Andy Samberg guest stars
6 August 2018
"Park Safety" is what I would consider to be an average episode of Parks and Recreation. There isn't anything necessarily wrong with it. It's funny and has a good guest appearance from Samberg. However, it is kind of forgettable. There aren't a lot of memorable scenes in this episode or ones that help evolve the show. With that being said, it's still solid, and an average episode of Parks is better than a lot of sitcom's best episodes.

Even though this episode's main plot is more of a vehicle to give Andy Samberg great comedic moments, it does serve as maybe the first major storyline to feature Jerry as the central character. Up to his point, Jerry has been mainly just the show's punching bag, but here we see how he is actually somewhat respected and not just constantly bullied all the time. However, by the end of this episode, Jerry has the ultimate "Jerry moment" as we find out more about what actually happened at the mugging for which he was injured.

The side-plot includes Ron Swanson teaching a self-defense course to the Parks Department. We've seen Ron hunt, play saxophone, and woodwork, and now apparently he even knows judo. We also see a love triangle start to form between Andy, April, and Ann. Andy sure has changed a lot since he was living in a pit in the beginning of the season and Ann notices this.

We are starting to get towards the end of Season 2 and I think it's safe to say that the show has found its footing and its episodes like this that prove that even when the show isn't at its best, it still puts out very entertaining content.
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