An average sequel which isn't on par with the first one
24 July 2018
As the king's forces grow stronger, Will, Elizabeth and Barbosa, together with their crew and some new help must travel to the world's end in an attempt to bring Jack Sparrow back to the living world. Plenty of perils will have to be faced but their willpower will prove to be tougher.

We follow the adventures of the previous movies' protagonists, filled with action, suspense and even some laughter from time to time. Their characters, well put into picture and with plenty of surprises, are determined to achieve their goals, no matter the methods. Thus, it manages to keep the viewer interested, in part thanks to its story. Speaking of which, it isn't anything brilliant or something, but it's good enough to keep it all together.

In terms of action, you get some intense fighting scenes from time to time, culminating with an epic naval fight, but it also leaves quite a lot of time with more to be desired. They've made a lengthy movie, with more than two and a half hours of screen time, fact which doesn't do it a great favor. It seems over prolonged, having plenty of scenes which present something irrelevant, which could have easily been skipped, just to try and add some more amusement, but often failing in this aspect.

It terms of laughter, this third installment leaves plenty of room for improvement. It does manage to make you laugh from time to time but nothing spectacular. Just some random irony or gags which seem quite forced. In terms of visuals though, everything it top notch. The CGI is very good, managing to amaze with every chance it gets, and it really has time to do it.

As an overall impression, I saw an entertaining movie, which could have been a lot better if it had a shorter length, a better story or a better comical side. As a plus, you get intense fighting scenes, great CGI and an epic final battle. It's ok, but a bit far from the first movie of the franchise.
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