Review of Heathers

Heathers (2018)
A disappointment you can count on
23 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I love Heathers, I highly appreciate the original movie and I love how it was adapted into a musical as that adaptation gave more to the story than the original film; this new adaptation on the other hand leaves much to be desired.

When I found out that they were doing a tv show based on the 80's cult classic I was thrilled, the musical had been adapted so well that the tv show had to do well right?, well, I was wrong.

The decision to set this remake in the setting of today is completely understandable, but what isn't understandable is the character development for any of the characters. It feels like the creators of the show thought that making the heathers into minorities would be hip and inovative, but it destroys some of the main points of the film. The decision to set everything in a scenario that mocks today's media centric society damages so much of the potential that the show could have, and should have been adapted into its own storyline rather than using it as an adaptation behing such a cult classic. It could have been a dark comedy that tackles the issues of eating disorders, rape, peer pressure, bullying, and suicide, just like the film and the musical does; but instead we get a competition on who's the most oppressed, and how that makes them popular, which not only removes a lot of the depth behind the issues otherwise approached, but it almost romanticises suicide and makes it into a popularity contest; and as someone who has struggled with suicide for 9 years I can't take this lightly.

The realest part of the shows so far 4 episodes was the suicide of Heather M, but even that felt extremely forced (just like the references to lines in the original film) and overly dramatic, only to be glossed over in the next episode as if it never happened, not only belittling the issue of suicide, but it also ignores the rule of continuity that stories should follow.

Other than the ignorance towards the original story and the potential that was lost with this adaptation the character building is off the roof awful. Veronica misses her empathy and has simply become a homocidal special snowflake. JD has lost all of the charisma that previous installations of the story pursue, and is instead just some lunatic that seems to kill people just because, rather than falling into the murderous patern after a mistake that lead to the first death of the story. Martha Dunstock, a vital character to the original story, who is suicidal from the bullying and fat shaming she goes through is completely removed; and Ram and Kurt have turned from bullying jocks to two sweet bro's, which sure, it's a nice change for the jock stereotype, but it does nothing but damage the story progression that could have been presented.

Where are the real issues that are approached in previous editions of Heathers, where is the character development, the tackling of absurdity with humour whilst still respecting the issues. Why is it that a film from thirty years ago feels more progressive and genuine than a production made a year ago.

who knows, maybe I'm just a butt hurt heathers fan that wishes that the show would be something it clearly isn't, but I can't ignore how little effort it feels like this production has gone through. Yes, this could be the basis to a good show, but by making it into an adaptation of something it differs from so greatly just damages the production more than it should. I really wanted to give the show a chance, but after 4 episodes I can confidently say that this heathers adaptation is a lost cause that abused its potential.
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