23 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie can be summed up in one line: If the family owns a dog, kill it. Yep, that's the quality fill it is. The dog barks, so the guy chops it up with an ax (off camera), with barely anyone giving it a second thought.

There was absolutely no attempt to build tension, develop characters, or create an atmosphere. The movie opens with the murders at the orphanage, then does a quick cut to a reporter telling all, followed by the family buying the house. Why? At least in the Amityville Horror, the family knew that they were gettig a deal because of tragedy. Even when the girl comes right out and says, "you don\t get a house for the price Ben is paying," the stupid parents don't think a thing about it. All of a sudden, there is bloodletting everywhere. And not even good, schlock horror bloodletting. After a while there is even a "Christine" moment, when headlights come on accompanied by the same musical sting as in Christine. Ugh.

Finally, the twist ending doesn't work. Did the house decide it made a mistake and hit the rewind button? Did time really rewind, meaning everyone (including the dog) was still alive? Or did the house just say, "Okay, Ben, you had your chance and you went nuts too fast on me. Let the girls play now" and incapacitate him long enough for them to kill him? Either way, except for the dog, I don't think I really care.

It was bad. Just bad. If you can't catch it on free Pluto TV, like I did, then don't try to catch it at all. Even a Red Box rental is too much to pay.
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