Jungle Bride (1933)
Horribly made train wreck of a shipwreck movie still is fun entertainment
22 July 2018
This film is really quite terrible but somehow is fun almost because of it and because of the real chemistry between the two stars, both of whom are terrible in it but still you can't take your eyes off of them. The editing is dreadful. There is a huge amount of stock footage just as you would expect including chimps that have been brought in to do silly things and there is some human who keeps grunting in the background and trying to make you think it's the chimps doing it. Anita Page is a terrible actress but she gets little to work with here as some scenes finish off and you wonder what the point of them was. In any case she's a real bombshell and the pre-code side boob shot of the amply endowed Miss Page and her bare back and slit dress leg shot will no doubt be rhapsodized in some summary of pre-code babes. She delivers lines and emotes as if she is in a dreadful high school play and her close-ups play as if she's in a silent movie. But we love her anyway. Charles Starrett is perfectly cast as the brawny almost comic-book like superhero who makes everything work out and gets the girl as well. He sings the same song over and over-- a terrible song called Call of the Jungle-- and the mismatching of his alleged singing (it isn't he) and his not even close to approximation of a guitar player help to label this as a Z film and not even really a B. It's the bottom of the barrel. Starrett does actually sing for real as a drunk in the beginning of the film and the sound is completely different from the singing he allegedly does later in the film! And yet, bad as it all is, the shipwreck sequence still packs a wallop and there is some beautiful photography of the jungle hill on which Starrett pseudo-plays his guitar as Page is lured to make love with him. Their love scenes together seem pretty convincing too as if Anita really went for him. Starrett was always better than his B or Z film material, always giving his all and coming across as a solid leading man. Like John Wayne, his acting may not be the best but he has always a definite screen presence, part of which is due to his size and good looks mixed with an apparently amiable personality. All in all, this has to be a guilty pleasure film. It is dreadfully made and quite a few scenes seem to play out as if the director had no idea what they were supposed to accomplish and then we just go on to the next scene... and it took three guys to direct this film! I kept wondering how Page then at MGM and Starrett then at Paramount could have been loaned out and agreed to make a film with such wretched production values. It seems Trem Carr, the Monogram Pictures founder, had a big hand in this one but why wasn't it released by Monogram which he founded in 1931, two years before? Could it be that this was below the quality that Monogram would accept? Was it simply an independent effort that he helped to get into release? We may never know and the two stars seem at once trapped by their awful material here and at the same time they are trying to make something more of the mess than it should be. I had fun watching this and if you aren't too ashamed of yourself for wasting your time on this garbage you will too.
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