Not even if you're bored to tears.
21 July 2018
My secret Santa threw in a few movies (she'd picked up at a video store going out of business) to go along with my new HULU whatever they call it. I said c'mon over tomorrow and we'll watch one or two. She brought along her sister and a great pizza. I asked who paid for the pizza and told her she had the honor of choosing the movie. She picked "As I Lay Dying". Well, what can I say? We laughed, we cried, we contemplated the meaning of the universe. We had plenty of time on our hands because we voted to stop the movie at 19 minutes and 33 seconds into it. We decided she had no choice but to put herself out of her misery. Or is that what Faulkner really had in mind???

Remember, if you happen to see this movie in the bargain bin at your local 7Eleven, are you willing to pass up a Super Slurpee to prove me wrong?
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