Batman: Arkham Knight (2015 Video Game)
Dawn of the Knight
14 July 2018
This is the final game in the Batman Arkham series, which I'll admit as a fan of the games and the Batman franchise makes me a little sad, but then again as an old saying goes it's best to quit while your ahead, when I think about it what more can they really do. Though this might not be the absolute end I'm sure we'll have plenty more "Batman" games sometime in the future, but it will probably be a different series; but all the same it's finally time to put this series to rest.

This is my third favorite game in the series, one of the things I love about these games is how better and better they keep getting but all good in their own way because each has an intriguing story which is what the Batman franchise is made of.

There are all the familiar features and the open world aspect, along with the beat em up and stealth battles, which isn't too different but that's fine by me, I wouldn't want it any other way. Though here the open world is broadened even more as all of Gotham has become a war zone as its overrun with criminals really love that kind of bleak setting it's reminiscent of the movie "Escape from New York" as you have an even bigger feel of isolation as it's your very much alone trying to take back the city; though also with this chaotic setting you have the total freedom to go and do whatever you want to do.

One big feature of this game is the fact you finally get to use the Batmobile which is awesome it's my favorite fictional vehicle of all time, the design it's a bit similar to the one from Nolan's "Batman:" films but also from the recent DC films which the Ben Affleck Batman. It was just awesome having veacular action in a Batman game once more and just enhanced the experience of feeling like Batman. It's not just another way to get from point A to B but there are other things you get to do with the Batmobile. From shooting a grabbling hook which can pull things down or even act as an electric cable to operate equipment. Operating you Batmobile by remote which is very helpful when you separated or there are certain obstacles that you need to clear. But your vehicle gets to change into a tank which is a spider like form similar to the Tachcoma's from the "Ghost in the Shell" franchise.

The action in the sequences is solid from the chases which are similar to the arcade game "Chase H.Q." and the tank combat which is solid and a lot of fun. Though my favorite portions of using the Batmoble was when you got to go against Arkham Knight which consist of both a chase and a tank battle both were cool.

But of course, what also powers this game is the story which I thought was very good even though I liked most of the past one the best but good all the same. The plotline is a bit similar to some of the Batman stories your familiar with but it's really in it's execution that makes it stand out. This has a great voice acting cast most consist of my favorite voice actors. From Troy Baker whom was great as the voice of the Arkham Knight it really conveyed menace but also deep anger and obsessiveness in his quest for vengeance against the Dark Knight. I really love how there is this revolving mystery to his identity, from how well he knows Batman you can easily guess the identity of the Arkaham Knight is someone we already know and if you've read the Batman comics long enough you can easily guess who it is, heck it's even constantly hinted at in the video game.

Ashley Greene, I thought was really solid as Barbra Gordon/Oracle/Batgirl, yes I have seen the "Twilight" movies (not a fan, my niece is for the record, but also for the record the actress is hot) it would be cool seeing her do voice acting more she's capable of it.

Johnathan Banks whom you probably know from "Breaking Bad" though I personally remember him from "Community" he was excellent as Commissioner Gordon. Along with John Noble from "Fringe" as Scarecrow whom is just excellent, he's probably my favorite voice for the character, as it just gives me chills as it's conveys evil lunacy, his character's motive just like in the comics is simply he wants to make people afraid but here it's a bit broader as we see he's doing this to snuff out hope altogether, reduce the forces of good into putty. I really like the design of his character from the IV needle claws he's wears much like the razor glove Fready Kruger wears which makes it ironically fitting. But also, his mask which sort of reminds me a little of Leatherfaces's mask as we see a little of his mouth which looks a bit fraked up as we see some skin decay or burn makes which make him lipless; that physical feature just shows how fraked up his psychic truly is.

However, the cream of the crop are the two main stars Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamell reprising their roles for this game one last time. I really like that we see some sort of back and forth between the two which can be metaphor for Batman dealing with PTS (Post Traumatic Stress) as he still reels from the death of the Joker and the trauma he's having trouble dealing with no thanks to Mr. J. Or you can say it really is the evil spirit of the Joker tormenting Batman, trying to psychologically break him. Which makes the conflict in the game all the more interesting as we see Batman isn't just fighting to save Gotham but to save his sanity/soul from becoming lost in all the lunacy around him.

Well nothing left to say except this was a fitting end to a great video game series. As an old saying goes, "it's always darkest before the dawn."

Rating: 4 stars
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