Awful and such a waste of on-screen talent.
13 July 2018
Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff, Peter Lorre AND Basil Rathbone... you'd think you wouldn't even need a script or a story, right? Legends of mystery, horror and comedy all together for a satire of their own onscreen lives! And if you plow through almost all of the reviews here on IMDB you'd be hopped up for a ribald comedy and a satisfying yarn, to feast on...

Unfortunately what you get instead is a terrible story featuring four bored and uninspired actors who trudge slowly from unfunny scene to unfunny scene.

A funeral parlour knocking off the locals to stay financially afloat... How could you possibly mess that idea up? Well, somehow it's managed and the result is a dire look at past masters struggling to maintain their dignity as the story starts off lame and grinds to a halt immediately.

I waded through this torture only because of the acting legends in it. Everything else was as painful and as excruciatingly awful as movie making can get.

You'll think less of the cast after watching this and that's a shame.
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