The Handmaid's Tale: The Word (2018)
Season 2, Episode 13
I loved it until I didn't
12 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode started off so well, and was really great... up until the last minute. June's escape attempt was one of the most thrilling things I've scene on tv in a while. But, June's decision to stay in Gilead rather than escaping made no sense to me. Yes, I get that she wants to rescue Hannah. But wouldn't it be easier to escape to Canada, join up with Luke and Moira, and plot an escape attempt for Hannah together? She knows she's risking her life by staying. Serena just got a finger chopped off for reading the Bible. Eden was killed for falling in love. And June kidnaps a child from a top ranking commander, and expects no punishment? You would think her likely punishments would be death, or sent to the Colonies... either way, it would be impossible for her to ever find Hannah. Just poor writing at the end, and I'm worried that the show is just going to keep dragging on now with similar plots. I mean, we saw 3 separate escape attempts by June this season, and all failed. The plots starting to become to repetitive. That being said, the acting was great as it always is, and it was a really good episode besides the awful ending.
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