Death Valley Days: The Madstone (1961)
Season 9, Episode 17
Good Murphy"s Law Tale
7 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Watched because this show is great TV.Myron Healey is Big Matt,who at the beginning is cured by a Madstone,curing him of possible gangrenous condition.We hear from The Old Ranger that many times this was the only thing the settlers could depend on since medicine was not up to today's standards.Soon,Matt's father-in-law,played by the formidable George Macready happens on the scene,a mean old rancher who owns most of the land around,a sort of anti-Ben Cartwright,who rules his family with an iron fist.He's non too nice to his grandson,especially when the son comes to visit his mother to tell her of his snakebitten arm,and who's given a good eartwisting for being harsh to the boy.When the grandson collapses,gramps relents and brings him to the mother,and he soon realizes the error of his ways and soon partners with Big Matt,and reconciles with his daughter.Good resolution to what might have been disastrous from being prideful.
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