The Yellow Peril
6 July 2018
A rather trashy early account of the Vietnam War when it was the French still fighting it is Five Gates To Hell. It's as if someone got all those yellow peril warnings out to create this film.

If you believe this the Vietminh were really interested in our women folk for sex. Well proportioned females weren't all that prevalent among their own women.

Neville Brand plays a Vietminh guerrilla leader who kidnaps a hospital staff to treat a local Vietminh leader, doctors and nurses. The patient dies and the hospital staff effects an escape, the doctors die but the women wind up defending French colonialism and the virtue of white womanhood with the exception of nurse Nobu McCarthy.

A number of reviewers have already commented on Nancy Kulp, better known as Ms. Jane Hathaway of the Beverly Hillbillies lobbing handgrenades like she Nolan Ryan on the pitcher's mound.

As if this oriental depravity isn't enough these people are even raping nuns among the nurses.

Pure unadulterated trash.
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