The world is hollow, and we have touch the sky!
4 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best Star Trek episodes ever. It has problems. The story is derivative. An asteroid that is really a ship is uncontrollably heading to a populated Federation planet. Dr. McCoy is sick and has one year to live. He is offered love and he accepts. Given his predicament, why not, most would probably take it. The villain is the Oracle/computer that controls the asteroid/ship, it has lost control.

Here's my main problem with this episode. If the original planet and solar system of the Fabrini exploded 10,000 years ago, how the hell does Spock have so much information about them. Never explained. Maybe they should have thrown in a line about satellites or other Fabrini colonies that retained this information.

Other than that. What we have is the Oracle/computer controlling the people like Big Brother, with the Instrument of Obedience. Pain and death comes to anyone who questions the Oracle. The people must not know that they are inside a giant generational space ship. This may be understandable for the survival of the people. There should be some control, but it looks like the control went too far, into complete ignorance, deception, punishment and death.

I had no problem with Dr. McCoy and Natira falling in love quickly. First, it's a 50-minute show. Second, Bones is a goner, simple choice stay or go. Third, the acting and dialogue was solid between them. Bones even say "But we are strangers to each other" and Natira responds intelligently.

All the acting was solid. The opening scene with the missiles heading to the enterprise, with the heavy Black Sabbath music, was incredible. Kirk enter, quick questions and answers, they shoot down the missiles and trace where they came from. Great, no nonsense. They Bones and Nurse Chap argument and Kirk comes in and Bones notifies that everyone on board has had their annual checkup and is fine, except for one, himself, he has a year to live. This is all great acting. Straight to the point. Natira was also great, strong, intelligent and beautiful. The Fabrini old man was in one great scene, and he says the title, when I was younger I climbed the mountains even though it was forbidden and he found out "For the World is Hollow, and I Have Touched the Sky". Even though all Fabrini had the Instrument of Obedience, possibly when the old man climbed the mountain the Oracle had not lost control then and wasn't punishing people as badly.

Music throughout was great. The opening scene was incredible. The cinematography was great. Tons of close ups with reaction shots. The new cgi was just incredible. The enterprise moving in angles, the shots of the asteroid, enterprise passing under the asteroid. This was cinema quality.

This has it all, except dead red shirts. All the main cast of 7 are there. Only a few other Enterprise extras. The acting was solid all around.

One of the best Star Trek episodes.
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