Worst LGBTQ movie I've ever seen
3 July 2018
Without a doubt, this is the worst LGBTQ movie I've ever seen, which is a shame because it really had some premise at the time it was released. Matthew Montgomery was cast as the lead, and at the time he was starring as as the gay male lead in a lot of movies. He wasn't ever undeniably "great" but he was decent and I actually enjoyed a lot of his movies. In this role, however, William Clift directs his performance abysmally. He doesn't come across as cute, or endearing, or even likeable; he's socially inept to the point of autism, unable to communicate with others either vocally or physically outside of his professional arena (which makes no sense), and his face twitches and contorts more often than a hamster's nose.

All of this being said, there were three bright spots (unfortunately, even they weren't enough to raise the bar on this used litter box). They were: 1) Peter Stickles (been crushing on this man for almost 15 years now) but who is sorely underused; 2) Emrhys Cooper, who is also so striking to look at that it makes it embarassing to overlook his completely underdeveloped character; and 3) Dylan Vox, who uses his unflappable sense of self-deprecating humor (his scene was the only true laugh this movie brought out of me) in a very funny, albeit completely over-the-top scene between he and Montgomery.

I think this is long enough so I'm not even going to get too in-depth about the inane subplot with Montgomery's parents, who are so profoundly inept that they should be confined to a facility providing Lvl III Elderly Care. Nor will I speak to the GOP-level of caricature of the only non-white characters throughout this movie.

It's not merely that this movie is dated (which it is, despite only being 7 years old) but more importantly that it's THAT BAD. Tremendously, horribly, cringe-inducingly bad. I try to have patience with some of the LGBTQ movies that paved the way for the more modern approach but even I can't bring myself to find a reason that this movie should ever be viewed again. BY ANYONE.
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