Christmas Encore (2017 TV Movie)
Hard Pass On This One
1 July 2018
Review Date 7/1/2018

I Have Reviewed OVER 500 Christmas MOVIES. On all Christmas movies BEWARE OF FAKE REVIEWS & REVIEWERS. Many reviewers have only have ONE REVIEW. When it's a POSITIVE REVIEW chances are that the reviewer was involved with the production. If its a negative review then they may have a huge grudge against the film for whatever reason. I am fare about these films.

In this film A struggling actress cast in an off-Broadway show contemplates quitting the business and moving home. However, she has second thoughts after discovering a renewed passion for her craft. But when the historic theater where they perform loses its lease and the show is set to fold, she and her castmates need a Christmas miracle.

This film is almost a chore to finish. It has some attractive leads but no great story to make this film worth remembering.
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