honest insight
29 June 2018
... in a hunt for truth. i do not understand the critique i have read so far. anyone with common sense won't expect to be served with a clear solution and hard evidence. decades went by, evidence got destroyed or lost.

i really liked the authentic interaction and presentation of the obsession, on Cameron's side to really connect all the dots he found, and confusion and longing for answers about himself, on Wayne's side ( fear of 'having the killer-gene', afraid of having inherited some of his grandfather's psychology ) it follows their quest from station to station of Cameron's almost decade long research. at ep 3 and 4 one can see how far down the rabbit hole Cameron is ... he is obsessed with 'the whole picture' and of course exonerating where exoneration is due. - and i can understand how the viewer (& Wayne!) gets frustrated (when he expects clear judgemental material) but this is no Nancy-show and the reality has gradients.

in the last episodes they get to phil stanford which again serves as a milestone in their journey.. so i would say it really pays to stick with them. you can feel Cameron's pain and misery, I mean ...just imagine being a detective & being so dedicated ... and the years and sacrifices he made. it makes me feel good. it gives me hope to see that such people exist... and to see that law enforcement is so uncommunicative really angers me.. especially with the last bit when it's about hard evidence.

i am sincerely recommending this for anyone not judgemental, interested in crime, psychology & people in general... (and of course the 'system')

( - oh.. one thing i really missed is a visual timeline )
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