Rod Serling's skeleton gives us three decent horror tales.
29 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A cheaply looking skeleton which sounds a lot like Rod Serling rises from the grave to give the audience three horror tales. meanwhile five buzzards dressed like Laurel & Hardy and the Three Stooges crack jokes.

The three tales, the first one "Young Blood" is about a married pair of vampires who adopt a child and are horrified to discover that it is another kind of monster all together. Its goofy and has some pretty amazingly awful special effects towards the end. In "The Guardians," a pair of avaricious grave robbers make a terrible mistake when they visit the St. Francis Abbey cemetery to do a little pillaging. The most serious of the tales, has good build up, but, the final is sadly rushed. The final tale, "Visions of Sugar-Plum" is set at Christmas time and at the home of an outwardly loving grandmother who runs out of her meds and turns into a cold-blooded killer. The most remembered segment among fans, its goofy and completely nuts trust me. This flick was helmed by Earl Ownsby a man who from 1974-1987 produced 18 low budget films some of which in 3D, shooting them usually in Shelby, North Carolina, from sets he made himself.
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