Love Never Dies (II) (2012)
URGH!!! It's the stench from this fanfiction-with-a-budget sequel to The Phantom of the Opera.
28 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I really regret watching Love Never Dies because ALW horrendously butchered the characters just to make a "fanmade sequel" to Phantom. Love Never Dies is a crappy non-canon fan fiction in my mind. It is nothing more than a stupid, insipid soap opera that gets more grotesque and harebrained by the second. It is an awful, awful musical, flawed on so many levels I can't count them, funny when it's not supposed to be, entertaining in much the way that Plan 9 from Outer Space is entertaining. I bet my review is going to be complicated and slightly incoherent because there are so many flaws on so many levels at so many points.

I don't like this musical. Sure, I like the idea of Erik and Christine being together, but this musical doesn't succeed in its delivery of that. The plot is bad, characters that we previously liked (minus in Raoul's case...poor guy) are turned into jerks, and some of the songs are so awful, you can't help wanting to throw up.

The whole productions seem to be rather goofy (the whole thing looks like a Tim Burton fever dream staged by Cirque de Soleil), but the Phantom screaming "TEEEEEN YEEEAAAARRRRSS OOOOOLLLLDDD" has to be the most ridiculous, cringe-worthy thing I have ever seen in a musical.

I don't know what Webber was thinking when he penned this pile of muck, but he should be ashamed of himself. If you love The Phantom of the Opera - then please DON'T WATCH LOVE NEVER DIES.

SIGH!!! I look forward to being able to forget Love Never Dies exists
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