The Other Side of Hell (1978 TV Movie)
An excellent film
25 June 2018
Imagine a darker, bleaker variation on One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and you have The Other Side of Hell. Both films are well-made and powerful, but sadly this one has faded into obscurity, never released on home video or streaming. As of this writing, I had to watch the film on YouTube in poor quality, though even then, the impact of the performances and story shine through.

While there's nothing graphic in the film, the atrocities depicted are still harrowing for the viewer, and Alan Arkin gives one of his best performances as the disturbed but persevering Frank Dole. Though long and rarely cheery, the story never drags and is well-paced. Given the poor quality of the recording I saw, I cannot judge the cinematography too much. I can only imagine how much more impact-ful this movie would be with clearer picture and sound.

The film deserves more attention and a decent release so more people can watch it.
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