Real Time with Bill Maher: Episode #16.20 (2018)
Season 16, Episode 20
Both interviews were garbage, and rediculous
23 June 2018
Colion Noir. A missed opportunity for Maher to put the NRA "away". Instead he licked Noir's rectum, and acted like an advocate.

One segment in particular was disappointing: Noir wanted to arm all the teachers. Maher's best response was: "No... because they're teachers". Gee, Bill, how about: If there weren't sick, mentally disturbed kids walking into schools with guns so easily obtained in some cases by their equally mentally disturbed friends and family, and killing everyone, we wouldn't need to arm 'anybody'.

The entire interview could have been better served by a sixth grader, because Maher was too busy telling us he "does any drugs he can get his hands on".

We all know Maher is, as he puts it: a "Drug Nut". However, keep it to yourself Bill, (enjoy your drugs) but, gain some respect from those that use your own words to destroy your credibility. Your drug comedy lines are great for your close friends, but for the conservative right that we are trying to pull over to the left a bit, they are much more scary than funny. Do your drugs Bill, just leave them home when you come to work. Trump trumps the drug issues.

The Micheal Pollen interview gave the conservatives additional ammo on why what Maher says "means nothing", because he just can't keep his love for drugs out of the conversations here. How can someone be so smart, and be so ignorant at the same time?

And finally: A semi automatic weapon is not "all weapons that shoot one bullet when the trigger is pulled one time". You were conned by Colion Noir. Your social ineptitude, is only overridden by your bewildering ignorance.

A semi automatic weapon is a pistol, or rifle, that automatically loads a round into the chamber to be fired instantly as fast as you can pull the trigger. This action is caused by the 'opposite, and equal reaction' of the first round fired, by throwing the slide back, and automatically loading a round from the magazine into the chamber, while keeping the hammer back and ready for an instant repeat. Thus the term: "Semi" automatic.

A revolver fires one round every time you pull the trigger, however, it's certainly NOT a semi-automatic weapon. Extreme pressure must be applied to the trigger with a revolver to turn the cylinder into place, so another round may be set in the cylinder to fire. To squeeze the trigger with little resistance, you would have to manually pull back the hammer before each shot. The semi-automatic weapon will fire with almost "zero pressure" on the trigger, and thus fires much more rapidly. Only a "complete moron" wouldn't do his homework before interviewing the NRA gun 'con-artist' you decided to have as your first guest.

Here's a positive thought for Maher. I won't be pestering him with negative reviews any longer, because I am canceling HBO for allowing this nonsense to happen in the first place.
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