Seinfeld: The Rye (1996)
Season 7, Episode 11
That's Perverse!
20 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In "The Rye", George has a group dinner with his parents and his in-laws. After a disastrous meal, Frank steals back the rye bread they'd brought, causing problems between the households. Kramer buys too much food from a wholesale grocer and has to figure out how to eat it all. Elaine is dating a saxophonist who won't perform oral on her. Jerry creates problems in Elaine's relationship when he mentions to a mutual friend that Elaine and the musician are getting "hot & heavy". Jerry and George scheme a way to stash the rye loaf back in the in-laws' house before anyone notices. Kramer temps as a horse buggy driver.

Any episode featuring Frank Costanza will always get an extra star from me! His reneging on a dinner gift is classic Frank antics. That entire dinner scene is wonderful.

The rest of the subplots are pretty solid too. Jerry doesn't really have his own arc in this one interestingly enough. Half the episode he spends messing up Elaine's relationship and helping Kramer with his groceries. The other half he spends helping George with their plan and stealing bread from Happy Gilmore's grandma.

Anyways, a solid episode that ranks up with the season's bests!
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