I highly reccomend seeing this but not a date flick .Watch with friends
18 June 2018
All Men And Women should see this film but don't see it with the 1 you're dating or married to unless you want to take the chance of breaking up over the ending .

This is a Good film to talk about after seeing it ,Things Like Are you really ready for marriage ?

Noah Bean is Brilliant in his performance The Official description of the movie has 1 error, this is not about a mental illness. It is a rare but debilitating physical illness that has physically and mentally debilitating symptoms .

Myself and the only other person On YouTube who commented left angry at the female lead character .

I even dedicated a song to Kate From Ryan . Just when i needed you most .

Like I said don't see this with the person you are romantically involved with unless you want to test your relationship ."In Sickness & Health " would have been a good title ......Meant Facetiously.

This is a great film that as I said should been seen by everyone.

I'd even recommend it to be required for all high school students to see if it were up to me .
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