Lanza among others
16 June 2018
This movie is remembered, when it is remembered, as Mario Lanza's screen debut, which it was. He got fourth billing, though, and you can see why. José Iturbi, who was a recognized music personality in the late 1940s, gets a lot of screen time playing the piano, either by himself or with his sister Amparo. Lanza gets a few operatic numbers, in which is he only fair, and some popular tunes, which he sings with a lot more nuance and feeling.

My problem with this movie is Kathryn Grayson. In part I don't like her voice, which I find very shrill. In part, though, it's girlish, so it really does not blend with Lanza's, which is very virile. Musically they just don't set off any sparks for me. It's a shame MGM couldn't have found someone more suited to partnering with him.
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