Alistair1918 (2015)
"Where he's headed there's no need for roads" Sort of...
8 June 2018
I didn't click the 'spoiler' button because if you've read the story description on the main page--you know the story.

This is a tough movie to review. Upfront and foremost I applaud the creative team behind this film. It's built on the frame of a unique story with no star power attached. I can only imagine the hurdles you had to leap and the obstacles you needed to circumvent to to get the film made. But now it's made and being shown on cable for millions to see. Congratulations to everyone involved, and kudos to the director and lead actress--Annie McKay. It appears this is a freshman effort in the director chair by McKay, and it doesn't look like she had a bundle of money in her budget, but she seems to have squeezed every penny out of the cash she had to work with.

McVey's directing style is brisk and light, and if I'm remembering correctly the camera always seems to be moving, flitting here and there, trading staged set pieces for footage of actors doing real things, unaware they're being filmed,acting like real people. These roaming shots pick up tons of characterization and flavor.

Kudos again (this time the chocolate chip ones with oatmeal and cinnamon) to the director for playing a major part in the film. She steps up to the job and delivers an honest and true performance. The same has to be said about her appearance. If I may be allowed to objectify, Annie McCay may never appear on the covers of French fashion magazines, but her natural beauty and crooked smile make her far more attractive and far more appropriate to this role.

If you twisted my arm and demanded I identify my least likable aspect of the film, I would be forced to point a finger at actor and screenwriter, Guy Birthwhistle. I know he's spent plenty of time in front of the camera in supporting roles, but it's my opinion he dropped the ball once too often in Alistair1918.

It was explained once to us exactly how long Birthwhistle had been Fast Forwarded the present time. I think it was either 30 of 5 days. Even if it turned out to be six months, I doubt if his shock of the changed world would still be affecting him. In the past 20 years alone we've had more scientific advancements than in the previous 1000, so his lack of awe didn't ring true at all. By all indications we witness his first trip in an automobile, but he handles it like he has two Buicks and a couple of Chevys back home. The knife gets twisted each time we see him using a cell phone, searching on the internet, and sending email.

Birthwhistle also seems to be unsure about the path of his character. Perhaps it was in the script of his direction, but during the middle of the film we keep getting looks from him like he's an actor and all the events up to this point have been filmed for a reality show, or that he really is a time traveler but instead of getting zapped from the middle of a battlefield it was from a laboratory in Nazi Germany. If the budget had allowed for it I would have loved to see Alistair scribbling in his notebook, sketching his long lost wife, or just trying to figure how his life is going to get together. In the same vein, we should have seen McVey bumping around in her apartment, wondering what she's doing. Maybe she could talk to someone on the telephone for some fresh perspective.

I've read a couple of reviews that were filled with questions about ending the film where it ended. I think it's a terrific ending, but some people just can't deal not having things spelled out for them in exact detail.

I greatly look forward to seeing future films from Annie McVay. I think she has amazing potential. Once again, great work, everyone.
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