13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
After the hype, how good is this?
6 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 Review Only I missed the initial hype surrounding this production and figured I would watched to see if it lived up to all the fuss. I will get the trivial points out of the way first. 1. I hate productions where wigs are involved an the wigs are so terrible that you ignore the acting and wonder why didn't production spend a bit more or why did all involved go "Hey, this wig sucks and will be featured in memes for years to come". 2. How does a character present themselves as being a friend when there is only one interaction between said character and the featured character in all 13 episodes? and finally 3. If the setting is a smallish town, how is it that none of the adults seem to have any real interactions outside of the teenagers being portrayed?

I think as a drama this production is well-done overall. The grief being displayed by the parents is palpable. Kate Walsh's performance really helps centers the story more so than any of the teens. She presents a parent who truly loves her child but does not have unrealistic thoughts about the world. The conflicts that Ms. Walsh's character and her husband as played by Bryan d'Arcy James are very compelling with the underlying thread that they are a couple in love trying to make sense of something that no parent should ever have to address.

The teens are somewhat typical tv teens. A little to well spoken and hip to the ways of the world than most teens are in real life. I say this as an educator who sees this demographic on a regular basis. I found the character of Tony to ring a bit false. He has little interaction with many of the characters yet seems to know everything. Tony appears to be able to work full-time, go to school full-time and yet still has time to maintain a relationship and play bodyguard to Clay Jenkins. I haven't read the books so I don't know if this is true to the source material or a matter of adapting the material for television. Zach Dempsey as a character is not really developed with his motivations remaining unclear other that a desire to fit in which he should be able to do regardless considering that he is wealthy and a star athlete.

Clay Jenkins and Hannah Baker as protagonists are interesting in their dance of how close should we be is shown throughout the first season. However, there is something that is a bit off putting in their seemingly unending need to a bit self indulgent. They both have periods of being put off by the other, yet failing to tell the other party why they are upset and expecting the offending party to somehow read their minds and address the non-addressed offense.

The series is worth checking out because the acting is overall first rate. The story is definitely timely and timeless at the same time. Am I agog with love for the series? No, but I can appreciate the effort taken. It is best to view the series in chunks as I did because it can be a lot to take in if binged from episode 1 to 13 in one sitting.
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