Law & Order: Night & Fog (1993)
Season 3, Episode 13
The past catches up
5 June 2018
The death of an elderly Jewish woman and holocaust survivor turns out to be a homicide and not natural or accidental as originally thought. Briscoe and Logan arrest Nehemiah Persoff the victim's husband

They did not meet and marry until after World War II. Persoff may have had a different kind of holocaust than his wife. There's reason to believe that he was ghetto policeman, a stooge for the Nazis to keep the other Jews in line. Among the perks was a decent ration of food and no trip to Dachau or some similar establishment.

But the New York County DA is only interested in trying Persoff for his crimes in their jurisdiction. Persoff also is quite ably defended by Eric Bogosian.

It's an interesting solution arrived at for a man not interested in reliving the distrant past.
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