13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
Season 2 Review
5 June 2018
Season 1 was good! It had heart and hit some really strong notes with topics that they treated delicately and with respect. Season 2 takes a huge dump on season 1. It is as if the people making season 2 never really watched the first season, or at least didn't get what it was about. Season 2 shows no kind of respect for the preceding season but adds so much that does not make sense, or that alters some of the strongest points and moments in season 1.

Someone wrote a review with the headline "Season 2 ruined it". I cannot but agree. I could have accepted a second season that does not live up to the standards set in the first, but a second season that not only is bad but makes the first season bad as well is totally unacceptable.

So watch the first season, but for God's sake, do not watch this big smelly number two!
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