Are women evil?
3 June 2018
Well - according to the Bibel they are! Eve let herself seduce by the snake in eden and ate the forbidden fruit - yet Adam did nothing to stop neither her nor himself of doing so! So who is in fact the evil of the two?

This is exactly the dilemma in this new brilliant danish movie. A young man falls in love with a young attractive woman and soon find - not only his appartment - but also himself changed completely upside down. Soon not only all of his stuff, hobbies and friends are secondery in the will of his newfound love. The very man he once was seems to be too.

Are women simply manipulating and evil or are men simply to weak to finally say: enough is enough?

Well - I will let you (and your partner) be the judge of that. Not matter what your conclusion will be. This movie is a must see!
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