Review of R.I.P.

R.I.P. (2018)
A film for everyone-
3 June 2018
Watched Malayalam film Ee.Ma.Yau There are very few films which still runs on your mind on an exploration to find a new meaning which enlightens us in a way or the other and Ee.Ma.Yau is just one beautiful film. Technically one of the brilliant films produced in this country and was spellbound to realize the way sound was treated. This is a director's film - especially the last 15 minutes where we see the masterstroke from the filmmaker, it just elevated the film to the next level to cult status with the soundtrack being introduced at that juncture. Though the conflict is very thin, the way it has been thought of and dealt with - I cannot think of any other better way to conceive such a topic in an interesting way and deep-rooted at the same time. A film not to be missed, Highly Recommended.
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