Heavy Duty (2012)
Engaging Thriller
30 May 2018
It is definitely more of a gritty thriller than a horror, which is the genre the poster seems to indicate. However, inappropriate marketing aside, I found the film a pleasant surprise. Not that there isn't the odd violent scene, mind you, but some of the darker stuff takes place off camera and is hinted at instead of shown. In fact, there are scenes where you're not entirely sure if events are real or actually taking place in the protagonist's head (a la Rosemary's Baby). It's the kind of film that invites the viewer to judge for themselves in the end. The director does a commendable job as cinematographer with some beautifully shot scenes - I can't imagine it's too easy trying to pull that off and direct and produce an entire feature, particularly your first feature outing. All in all, I found it just as enjoyable as Christopher Nolan's second feature, Following (most folk probably don't know he didn't complete his debut feature). The soundtrack was pretty good, too, with nice ambient moody pieces scattered throughout.

If you enjoy a more thoughtful film that's not all about a high body count / blood and guts etc., then you'll probably enjoy watching this one.
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