Unashamedly 8/10 stars, because this film delivers what was promised.
30 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Blackie is a strong leading man with a mysterious past, not sad like the Lone Ranger's origin story, but filled with human mistakes and thus more relatable. I like how Blackie gets into fights for the seeming joy of it, a twinkle in his eye, and bulldozes the bad guys into submission with balsa wood furniture bludgeons or whatever else works in the scene. This entry also shows Harriet Hilliard being coy, which was her specialty, and also sweet, another character point. As someone who hustles herself into a laundry chute to escape arrest all the while clinging to her hat, coat, and purse, she has my admiration. Runt and Arthur are also fun characters and the whole hour, more or less, works well as entertainment.
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