Waterworld (1995)
One character in ensemble sinks the boat--
25 May 2018
I saw this when it came out and loved it--but Dennis Hopper was a really bad memory, over-acted and dull. HOWEVER, I had to see it again just because of its premise. I still love it, and it's not Dennis Hopper who bugs me any more--except for the cheap-trick eye-socket displays. He blends well with his dystopian setting, plus looks good in an eye patch. Now, in this week's re-viewing Jeanne Tripplehorn sticks in my craw--yechh!! I don't mind dumb, necessarily, or aggressive--but combined they make your average back-up villains. Having the female lead come on as dumb and aggressive was too much--nearly unwatchable. Junior female lead Tina Majorino was doing a good job in her role, so i kept swimming. I had to see the whole world of a submerged Earth with its nautical and mechanical ingenuity, and particular social problems. It is a fable beautifully told--no CGI--and a worthy part of Kevin Costner's legacy.
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