This film is lost, but its impact and description are not.
25 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry, I can't rate this one since it no longer exists. Most 1928-1930 sound films are lost to the ages. But there are enough descriptions of it left that I can give you an idea of what this early sound disaster entailed. First, when Warner Brothers bought First National, one of the chief talents whose contract they obtained was that of Colleen Moore. Unfortunately, John McCormick, Moore's husband at the time and basically her agent, also came along for the ride. He was the First National producer in charge of Moore's projects so Jack Warner couldn't just tell him to take a hike.

McCormick thought sound was a fad - after all why would people want to use ALL of their senses when watching a film? - and carelessly picked "Smiling Irish Eyes" as Moore's debut in a sound film. Moore plays an Irish girl who pines for her boyfriend (James Hall) who is in the United States. Finally managing to join him, she finds him in New York performing on stage with a female costar. Apparently him singing "their song" to the costar on stage and kissing her is too much for this Irish lass. Moore's character flies into a jealous rage and returns home. However, the boyfriend goes after her and back in Ireland explains that "the other woman" actress is someone whose father he is helping to stop drinking. The two marry and bring the entire family back to New York.

Apparently the characterizations of the Irish were so stereotypical that the film was banned in Ireland. Also, Colleen mugs for the camera and gave such a bad impression of an Irish accent that the audiences were in stitches. Unfortunately, this was not supposed to be a comedy.

Some say the Vitaphone discs still exist, some say they do not, but if they do exist I am yet to find the digitized recording listed on so I can listen for myself.
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