Not as good as Rogue One, but still very nice.
24 May 2018
OK, Solo! A Star Wars Story. First of all, I was very excited about this movie. For two reasons. First - I LOVED Rogue One. I absolutely adored it. For me it was literally the best thing since the original trilogy. The atmosphere was there, it closed the most important plot holes and MAN, I loved those CGI actors. So, obviously, I expected a lot from the next "story" title.

My second reason was Alden Ehrenreich. I didn't expect anything from him until I saw the trailer. The one with the smile. And that smile was so perfect that I was like "Hey! It's Han! I can't believe it, but it's Han!" Alden Ehrenreich was so perfect in trailer that it was hard for me not to expect a lot from him. And since I totally hated current Disney's trilogy (episodes VII - VIII), the new movie was supposed to give me some more Star Wars I like. Not the Star Wars with MARVEL's jokes and Luke Trollwalker (no surprise that Mark Hamill didn't like what they did with his character, Luke from The Last Jedi was a huge disappointment).

So... did the new miracle happen? Did Solo become a new Rogue One to me? Well... yes and now. First of all, this movie is NOT The Last Jedi. No, sir. Not even close. If you hated The Last Jedi and want some dark atmosphere from the original trilogy instead of "your mom" jokes, you should totally check this movie out. There are some jokes here and there, of course, but all in all, the atmosphere is there and it's the right one. Yes, there are those almost-like-lightsabers weapons that I always hated because they don't make any sense, yest, it may feel a bit too weird here and there thanks to the whole freedom motif, but overall, it's the good old gloomy Star Wars. Not the bright new ones with stupid jokes and pokemons. Acting is also pretty good. Not sure if I liked Emilia Clarke, since she literally did her usual Daenerys thing here, but Alden Ehrenreich was fantastic and I totally loved Donald Glover as Lando. It's just scary how much does he fit the role.

The story, though... that's where problems begin. When you see at the separate parts of it, there's nothing really wrong with it. Freedom motif? Right thing to do thanks to how it's all about Han Solo. Chewbacca's part? Sure, obviously. Gangsters and contrabandists? Of course. God, they even explained the whole "who shot first" thing! The problem is... when all those parts come together... they don't really click. So, it doesn't feel like you're watching a proper movie. Instead, it feels like you're watching some sort of mini-series. Which is OK, bu-u-ut... gives you some sort of weird aftertaste. Especially since some parts may feel somewhat boring (I'm telling you, it's more like a TV format here). But the worst thing is - the mood change. It may feel somewhat fun in one "episode" and pretty gloomy in another. Weird, weird stuff. It's like all those writers wrote their parts alone and then tried to combine them in like a day before filming.

Finally, I didn't really like some small details. I've already mentioned almost-like-lightsabers weapons (even though I can see why they did that, since this movie takes place in period with no Jedi), but there's more. First of all, L3-37. It's not like I hated her. I totally didn't. And it's not like TECHNICALLY she doesn't fit. Because the whole idea about her character fits perfectly in the original motif. But when you see her in action... it feels a lot like they overdid it a bit. She's like one of those bad actors, who try to steal all the attention and it's just... I don't know. It feels wrong. I also didn't like the fact that story doesn't properly end in this movie. Just because I loved my "stories" in Rogue One way. One-shots that shine by themselves and destroy the plot holes. Not sure that I want the big new thing that creates the new ones. Finally, not sure if I liked the decision to bring that one big character from the past back. I won't tell you who it is to avoid spoilers, but you'll sure know when you'll see the movie. The way we separated our ways with that character was one of my most favorite moments back then. And even though there was always some special charm about that character, I'm totally not sure if I want that character back. It felt just right the way that character left. When you bring that character back... I can't say that they did ruin the character in this movie. Just because it was a pretty small appearance. But in the future? There's a huge chance to ruin one of the most charming characters from that period. And I totally don't want that.

So, what's in conclusion? In conclusion, I must say I liked Solo. And yes, I can tell that it became MY Star Wars. Unfortunately, thanks to some weird writing and some strange choices, it feels a bit... unpolished. Maybe it needed more time. Maybe it was just unlucky. But here's how I feel - it's like Rogue One, only... not that perfect. If you loved Rogue One as much as I did - go for it, but don't expect too much. But if you didn't like Rogue One and loved The Last Jedi... then you'll probably hate Solo. Just because it isn't for you. Solo is an attempt to please the old school fans. Not as good as Rogue One... but it'll do for now.
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