Once Upon a Time: Leaving Storybrooke (2018)
Season 7, Episode 22
The end...
19 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
7 years, 7 seasons and 155 episodes has come to an end.

I started watching Once Upon A Time when I was 15 and now I am almost 22 years old. It's rare that I ever follow a series from beginning to end, but Once has always kept me interested in the show. Season 7 created much controversy because of the cast shake-up, but I honestly liked it.

This episode was filled with nostalgia, and it made me happy that they included some flashbacks and cast-reprisals. Emma Swan's entrance made me weep, same with Snow and Charming's entrances. It's just sad that it's over. 7 years have gone by incredibly fast.

I don't even know what to write, there are so many emotions flowing through my body. It's sad, and I'm sure there wont ever be a show like Once. It's special, at least to me.

I can't thank everyone who made Once Upon A Time, and everyone who was involved with the show, enough.
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