Genius: Einstein: Chapter Ten (2017)
Season 1, Episode 10
This closing episode was a fitting end to a great scientist's legacy...his repentance
15 May 2018
No doubt it is next to impossible to summarize a genius like Albert Einstein's life in a 10 episode mini series without missing some of this man's many accomplishments, his affairs with the ladies in his life, his humorous side, his resistance to a nuclear war, and his estrangement with his two sons and his wife.

What episode 10 does provide is a lighter side of this complicated man in which he opens some doors that had remained closed in his life for many years such as his estrangement from his one living son Hans Albert. Hans Albert agrees to come to New York with his children and his wife in an effort to reconcile the father and son differences and lengthy estrangement. Einstein realizing that his life is limited acknowledges his past mistakes and seeks his son's forgiveness.

There is however a touching closing scene in which a very young girl who is quite inquisitive herself asks Albert why he became so famous and his answer just may shock you. No spoiler here. You will need to watch this episode to discover Albert Einstein's secret to his brilliance. Episode 10 was by far the best of this mini series.
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