Fear the Walking Dead: Laura (2018)
Season 4, Episode 5
Subtle emotional depth comes to FTWD.
14 May 2018
This season has flipped this show into quality TV and this episode captured a tenderness not often seen in a Zombie flick. The story of Laura, was intriguing and I am sure will continue to be across the rest of the season, and I hope longer. The team behind this show have demonstrated quality story-telling across the first 4 episodes this season, something it ama mater,TWD, seemed to lose its way in the past two seasons. I applaud the creatives behind this show for reinventing it into something I now look forward to each week, after fast forwarding my way through seasons 2 and 3. I hope this show maintains and extends the quality it has demonstrated in casting, writing and pacing so far. The season opener, 'What's your story' seems to be the mantra of this show now. And what a fine mantra it is.
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