Nova: The Impossible Flight (2018)
Season 45, Episode 2
Flight of Fancy?
10 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Follows the Solar Impulse II aircraft piloted by Bertrand Piccard and Andre Borschberg on an around the world journey in a solar powered plane.

Made from light weight materials and maximising wing area for solar panels, the plane only has room for one pilot, is seriously underpowered and compromises flight stability and safety. The plane has to gain height during the day while charging the batteries and then descend during the night to save energy. There is a one hour margin of error on the amount of energy available. The plane has a self generated speed of 45 mph and relies on favourable tail winds. It can only fly during certain times of the year, only when there are no clouds and due to aircraft fragility when there is no turbulence. Due to a weather forecast limitation of 3 days, flights of 5 days or more require a team of weather analysts to predict the flight path for smooth flight. There were extensive delays and diversions due to weather conditions.

Launched in 9 Mar 2015, the plane completes its journey after 505 days.

In the name of solar energy a team of wealthy madcap environmentalists set about creating a record for solar flight. Only took 505 days. Never mind the energy required for control and ground crews that made it possible. Not to mention the risk involved - a disaster waiting to happen. Fortunately it didn't and they gained media coverage and an interview from Bonki Moon during the Paris climate agreement.
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