If you love whales, avoid this episode
4 May 2018
As a mild fan of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, I've watched perhaps a third of all the episodes.They're usually fun, though rarely very inspired. But this episode is by far the worst I've seen. What astonishes me is how the heartless story - centering on a lone whale and a nuclear bomb - ever got past the show's editors. I realize that this was the 1960s, when animal lovers and ecologists were not much to the fore. But even so, the callousness of the attitudes displayed by every single character in this episode is alarming, even nauseating. Today, no one would even dare write a script of this kind, let alone bring it to the screen.

PS: Even if you're not a whale lover, this episode is pretty poor in any case. Slow-moving, not much suspense, tons of stock footage, a surprisingly inept Admiral Nelson, and a Seaview crew that bumbles along from start to finish. Give it a miss.
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