Extremely disappointing for South Korean film standards!
25 April 2018
I seriously have no idea what the director wanted to accomplish here. There are some major flaws that ruined this movie! The editing was so bad, I almost felt embarrassed just by watching some scenes; most of the scenes (especially the ones that tried to be symbolic) felt more like really bad commercials with cheap editing methods (a good example is the "You have (no) mother" scene). It hurts me to say this, but the movie lacked subtlety and many times it felt too cliched to invoke anything. At some points, even the acting was awkward and unprofessional (the scenes with the Australian parents anyone?)... and I don't even want to talk about the movie's structure and pacing; clearly, there are major flaws in those departments. Sure, there are many ingenious moments thrown here and there; and the plot, while being extremely thin, is actually pretty cool (at least on paper). There was simply not enough material for an almost-2 hour movie. I really had higher expectations for this particular movie!
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