DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Freakshow (2017)
Season 3, Episode 2
A Step in the Right Direction...
24 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There are many shows where the main story is the most important and interesting thing to follow, but there are also those shows where you just enjoy the good fun small adventures. One of those shows is "Legends of Tomorrow" because I've always felt that the writers did a much better job focusing on the standalone episodes, than the one that support the overarching storylines. I mean, there are times where its the opposite, but for the most part, I think that these are the episodes that are the most enjoyable. They have the chance to just be fun and goofy and not really worry about the bigger picture. This is one of those episodes, and it is one of the more enjoyable ones in the show. It felt a lot fresher than the premiere, even though the episode still suffered from the big negative that is an uninteresting adversary.

This was an enjoyable episode. It was one of the more fun episodes that captured the spirit of what this show originally was. Not too serious, yet still able to move the plot in the right direction. And what better way to do that, than going to the circus. It didn't even cross my mind that they hadn't done an episode featuring P.T. Barnum yet, because it was such a great fit that I thought they had done it, but when I thought back, I couldn't seem to remember him ever appearing, so this was definitely a delight, and one that was a little bit too overdue, yet it helped to punch some life into this season, that had a premiere that just didn't work.

Once again, the dynamic between the characters is a big plus. They have great chemistry and the scenes where they are together having a drink, or just playing cards work so well because of that. There are also references in this particular episode that would not have worked, if the actors wasn't on top to give response to each other. I love to see them all own the screen together, and especially when they are teamed up in pairs, because that's where they have most room to play off each other. It can be hard to do that when you are surrounded, but with two people, you should be just fine.

I also really loved the inclusion of P.T. Barnum. He was known to be a man who loved freaks, because they would make money for him. So this just felt like such a great fit, and I ended up understanding Barnum's motivations for what he did. He could be seen as the antagonist of this episode and with good reason, but I think that Billy Zane (reunited with his "Titanic co-star Victor Garber) gave a terrific performance as he really managed to embody everything that Barnum was known to be, especially when he realize what these superheroes can do, which changes his world completely.

But amidst all the joy, there is still one big glaring weakness to this season, and it is called the Time Bureau. Once again they come in and ruin an episode, this time one that actually had things going for it. I hate the inclusion of this stupid agent named Gary, whose only real talent is to be captured and being good at nothing. And then we have Sharpe. Her motivation for hating the Legends is totally misplaced, given that they have managed to safe time twice already. Her entire reason for hating them is so flawed, and I don't get why the writers can't come up with something cool for her. I have a feeling that I know where her story is going, and I actually wouldn't mind it going the way I think, but because of the predictability of it, I don't think it will be the case. Or maybe it will, since it is The CW.

There is also something with Amaya in this episode, that I thought was a little forced. Granted, I don't know what role this will play in the bigger picture, but for this specific episode, it seemed like it was introduced to give her and Nate a reason and an easy way to reconcile. If they had waited with that reveal to a later episode, I think they could have gotten a bigger gain out of it. However, I have a feeling that the reveal is going to play a part in the season, but we will have to see.
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