Redwood (2017)
It's always interesting reading reviews.... but make your own mind up!
17 April 2018
I've had a quick read through the reviews which sit in two camps... Firstly, those who have a certain expectation of horror - expecting clichéd monsters, gore and jump scares, and nothing involving a brain, who tend to complain about "nothing good happening... " or "you don't see much of the monsters" because they have the attention span of a peanut.

Then you have those who actually understand pacing and build up and antici..... pation. Those who actually have an open mind and understanding that there's more than one type of horror out there.

For me, I've never been one for gore/splatter/jump scares, simply because they don't actually scare me. I've always preferred my horror a bit more thoughtful (or comedic, as I must confess harbouring a soft spot for those).

Redwood for me, is a great example of a horror film that has a lot of thought provoking ideas and imagery, ISN'T something that requires my full attention ALL the time, and isn't just the general clichéd idea of the monsters in question... The question I was left with at the end was actually who is the bigger monster? I'm still not sure... The location chosen for the film is a great mix of beautiful with an edge of danger, and the cinematography does bring this out quite nicely. It's not by any means a big budget flick, so don't go in expecting the moon on a stick and loads of CGI work, and you won't be disappointed. I think a lot of people have forgotten what creature acting is now Instead go in with an open mind to a story that over the course of the screentime brilliantly shows not only that first impressions can be wrong, but sometimes not all is as it seems. The reviews on here I have read seem to focus on the creatures we see - not considering that the films endgame hints at a bigger badder, or even what the 'monsters' once were...

But that's just my two penneth - go watch it and make your own mind up!
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