A wasted opportunity
14 April 2018
This film examines what would happen if humanity suddenly began to procreate via parthenogenesis, otherwise known as virgin birth. While this idea seems interesting on paper, it is delivered as a fake documentary, without understanding what can make a documentary interesting. It tries to be funny, but only offers some set-ups that could be funny. In the end, it falls apart under its own weight and poor editing.

The film keeps cutting back and forth between interviews with fake experts and a case-study of the youngest man alive, which can work in non-fiction where the focus is on the facts, but not in fiction where there focus is generally on either the characters or plot. The result is the film feels unfocused in places, and the viewer does not develop any feelings towards the characters.

The plot is similarly unfocused, both for the historical background and the characters' story. In both cases, large events just happen with little or no explanation, even in cases that demand an explanation, to the point where it is impossible to suspend disbelief. However, this effect seems unintentional, since there is almost no attempt to use this for comedic gain.

Many of the 'jokes' are attempting to go for mockumentary-style humour, where a funny subject or event is presented entirely deadpan. This only occasionally works, as the event is rarely given enough time to build up and is quickly forgotten afterwards. Alternatively, the event is simply not outlandish enough for deadpan humour to work, and simply comes across as obnoxious or boring.

This wasn't so much a bad film as a mediocre one. It had potential, but was executed poorly, and not in an entertainingly bad way. It is just dull, and with a lack of creative vision behind it.
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