This is a great movie for people who do not value their time and dignity.
11 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I even begin? Can someone explain to me the continuity of the film. The main character has a flip-phone, fast-forward ten years later and he has an I-Pad, seems normal right? Then why does he have an old house phone AND only uses a wrist watch to check the time? These are small fish to fry.

About twenty minutes in, I actually started to hate this movie, and only continued to watch it because I need to explore why I hated it and was baffled that my hatred grew among the passage of each poorly written scene. I hated that the actors had a weird disconnect between expressing emotion and saying their lines, like they could only do one at a time. It was cringe-worthy during the 'emotional scenes'. I am convinced they actually wrote the main character, Myles, to have all the qualities you would despise in a person then try to rake pity out of your soul for him. This plot is so weak and disjointed, I needed to schedule an appointment with my chiropractor after experiencing this.

How do I buy that in a normal gay friendship, a misunderstanding would lead to Myles moving to New York without even telling Brody? Myles needs a therapist and I know a great one. I know this movie isn't realistic, but could one facet be believable? Take your least favorite porn and cut out all of the sex scenes then you have 90% of this movie. I am not saying this movie sets gay men back socially ten years (pun-intended) but it definitely bathes in stereotype and portrays us as emotionally shallow and maybe, crazy?

I gave this film two stars. One because people probably used the revenue (?) from this movie to feed their families and that should be acknowledged; but also, a second star because it could serve as a commentary on modern gay dating behavior, literally a "do the opposite of this, be neither of these people" sort of allegory.

In my entire movie-watching life I have never felt so compelled to review of film, this is probably the first and only time I will ever do this.
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