Popcultured (2005–2006)
Literally the Worst
4 April 2018
People always tend to jump to saying, This is the worst show ever!, whenever they see a show or movie they hate. But obviously not every bad show or movie is actually the worst ever, there can only be only one officially Worst Ever show and in this case it literally is true.

This literally is the worst television show ever made, of all time, hands down, no arguments, it is a home run and a slam dunk. Nothing before during or after Pop Cultured even approaches this level of completely inept television production.

The host was incomparably bad. Unfunny, uncomfortable and unlikable.

The writing and jokes were terrible. Literally as bad or worse than if the network had walked into a grade three English class and said, Hey kids write us some jokes to say on TV tonight!

The direction, the cast, absolutely everything about this show was done as poorly as you could expect. Not one single thing on this show even came within a billion parceks of being what one could consider Good or even Average.

Need more evidence? This show has a rating of 1.0 out of ten. Just to remind you on IMDb you are not allowed to give a rating of 0.0 out of ten so 1.0 is literally the worst rating you can give. That worst possible rating is the AVERAGE RATING OF EVERY VIEWER who has rated this show. I just checked with my IMDb Pro account and there are only two shows all time, in any language and in any country, that have a rating of 1.0 out of ten. The other show has a hand full of ratings but Pop Cultured has hundreds of ratings. Talk to any Canadian person who ever saw this show what they think of Pop Cultured and you will not find one single person who will say the show was anything better than total garbage.

I once talked to a cast member of this show who was a comedian and surprisingly a good one, I mentioned I was surprised how good they were because I had only seen them on this show before and it did not make them look very good (pretty rude of me I know it just slipped out, They really were very funny!)... this person APOLOGIZED to me and was obviously very embarrassed about being on this show. How bad was this show that a main cast member on it would act like that and hate to be reminded that it even existed?

The show was canceled and never rerun and will never be rerun again unless someone makes a documentary about how unbelievably awful it was.

So the next time someone says to you, Hey don't watch the new Transformers movie, etc, etc, do not believe them. Tell them, It is not true, I know it is not true because Pop Cultured existed and it is the absolute literally worst television show ever made.

Pop Cultured, the only show with a Perfect rating of 1.0 out of ten on IMDb!
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